Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Personal Post By Austin

A) Even though an energy plan would be helpful to the environment and even save money in the long run, it will never work. We would have to put in a lot of money in order to make buildings safe. When people see how much money we will have to put towards the project, they will fight it saying we can't afford to put all that money into saving the earth.

B) 1. When I leave a room, I will turn off the lights. 2. When I'm not using an electronic devise, such as a toaster, I will leave it unplugged. 3. I will keep using energy saving light bulbs like I have been. 4. I will open my blinds on sunny days to let the sunshine in, and keep off the lights. 5. On nice feeling days i will leave my windows open and turn off air conditioning and heater. 6. When I buy a home in the future, I will make sure it is insulated well. 7. Once a sink in the house starts to leak, I will make sure it is fixed soon. 8. Put guards at the bottom of doors that lead to the outside.

C) I believe that Energy Star does help the environment, and if it doesn't help it, it at least doesn't hurt it. They say that the U.S. Environmental Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy both say that Energy Star is safe. I have no personal knowledge of Energy Star, but from what I learned they are not that harmful to the environment.

D) Living in Iowa, we get a lot of wind, so i believe wind energy would be the most beneficial to use. Although it requires a lot of land and cost money to set up wind turbines, wind energy is a cheap way to get energy and it is something we will never run out of. It doesn't harm the environment and doesn't use fossil fuels to run.

E) The insulation in the floor and wall are different because they don't preform their job the best. Insulation keeps the heat in the house in the winter, and keep the cool air in in the summer. It tries to keep your house at a constant temperature so that way you don't need to keep the heat or air conditioning on. In some older homes, you will have to install these insulation because some older homes weren't built with these recommended requirements.

F) No, I don't believe mining for coal and oil can be sustainable for many reasons. Oil and coal are parts of Natural Capital and if we drain it all, we will lose our natural capital. Individuals Matter because it takes everyone in the world to commit for us to save the earth and save energy. If we do drain all of our oil and coal then we will have to come up with Solutions and Trade-Offs in order to still function without the oil and coal that would be all gone. 

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