Tuesday, March 8, 2011

5 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

1. Turn off the lights! Whenever you are leaving a room with nobody else in it make sure all the lights are turned off.

2. Use the sun! Turn off the lights and open the blinds on a sunny day for light! While you are at it, open the windows on nice days instead of using the air conditioning.

3. Shut off appliances that aren't in use, and unplug them from the wall. Many people don't realize that something like a toaster will continue to waste energy for as long as it is plugged in. So make sure to unplug it when you are done.

4. Use energy efficient light bulbs! They may be a little bit more expensive but they last longer and save energy, and the two of those together will save you money in the long run too.

5. Wash clothes in cold water. Believe it or not cold water does clean, and many laundry soap manufacturers now offer soaps specifically made for washing clothes in cold water.

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